Dr Christopher Kelly
(Wales 2016)
Associate Dentist
GDC Number: 265278
Chris was born in a small village in the heart of the New Forest. He then moved to Cardiff where graduated from Dental School with honours. He has a passion for obtaining the highest standard of clinical care for his patients via continued learning and development. He recently completed an Aesthetic and Periodontal Masterclass course in London. This focussed on providing high quality anterior veneers and white fillings. He has also completed the MJDF part 1 and MFDS part 2 exams allowing him to join the Royal College of Surgeons.
Chris has had a chance to work at the University Hospital in Bristol MaxilloFacial department working as a Senior House Officer. This focussed on improving his surgical skills to improve his ability to complete difficult dental extractions. On moving back to general dental practice Chris enjoys the daily challenges that dentistry provides and working with his patients
Outside of work Chris plays 7-a-side football and goes to the gym. He is a keen skier and has recently taken up rock climbing.
Currently he is enjoying work as a Saturday dentist here.