Interest Free Dental Loans

Are you thinking of having a smile makeover, implants or teeth whitening and worried about the cost of the dental treatment? If you apply for an interest free loan you could have the dental treatment of your choice and spread the cost of the high-value dental treatments over an agreed term that works for your finances.

It really is interest free – that’s zero percent interest on the total cost of your treatment spread over the agreed term*. Sleep Lane Smiles have teamed up with a reputable dental finance company called Medenta in order to make your dental treatments more affordable but still giving you the smile you want and deserve.

For routine dental care we have two foundation plans, these are Sleep Lane Smiles own monthly payment dental care plans which combine cover for regular examinations, hygiene visits and x-rays (where needed) with the reassurance of insurance for accident and emergency cover. You can read more on these here.

Contact Jackie, our dental practice treatment co-ordinator for further details on either the dental free loans or on Sleep Lane Smiles Dental Foundation plan on 01275 891820 or email her here.